
Being Authentic and Adaptable in Leadership – Resolving the Seeming Paradox

Written by Michael Watkins | May 10, 2024 1:43:45 PM

Sarah was a seasoned executive leading a tech startup through a period of rapid growth. Known for her commitment to transparency and fairness, she embodied authentic leadership principles. Her team admired her integrity and trusted her implicitly.

However, Sarah found her commitment to authenticity challenged by the pressure of sustaining growth in the face of increasing competition. A sudden market shift required rapid action to pivot the company's strategy, and there was no time for her usual process of consensus building. While Sarah recognized the need for decisiveness, she struggled with the idea of compromising her authentic leadership style. How could she maintain transparency and uphold her values while making rapid, tough decisions that the situation demanded?

As tensions rose, Sarah recognized the importance of being both authentic and adaptable in her leadership but struggled with managing the seeming tension.


Understanding the Tension

Authentic leadership and situational leadership, both cornerstones of contemporary leadership practice might seem mutually incompatible. After all, isn't authenticity based on unwavering adherence to values, consistent action, and transparency? How does this reconcile with the adaptation demanded by situational leadership, often calling for strategic deviations that can demand strategic deviations from one's natural style?


Authenticity is the bedrock of trust…

Authentic leaders like Sarah approach challenging situations by relying on guiding principles that transcend short-term expediencies. Their internal compass – grounded in a solid core of values – provides a sense of direction and allows them to make good decisions. While others may sacrifice their values to pursue expediency, authentic leaders understand that their adherence to principles is a source of strength.

The practical benefits of authenticity extend beyond just navigating difficult situations. Empowered by leaders who demonstrate genuine commitment to shared values, teams can show dedication and creativity in pursuing objectives. When an organization embraces authenticity, it develops robust resilience, standing firm in the face of unexpected obstacles or shifting landscapes.


… but situational leaders is essential to effectiveness.

Situational leadership, on the other hand, is founded on the understanding, backed by extensive research, that a one-size-fits-all approach to leadership isn’t sustainable. Effective leaders recognize that the best style varies based on team capabilities, situational nuances, and external pressures. Therefore, they develop the ability to pivot fluidly between roles such as mentor, advisor, director, and delegator. This agility enables leaders to align their leadership style with the specific demands of each situation, fostering adaptability and resilience within their teams.


Navigating the Tension

What happens when authentic leaders face challenges that require them to adapt their leadership styles to their situations? As with Sarah, a sudden market change might demand a traditionally collaborative leader to embrace a more decisive leadership style – even if it clashes with their natural instincts. Similarly, the lead-up to a critical product launch may require a visionary leader to prioritize meticulous execution. This inevitable friction between 'usual' leadership inclinations and situational demands can pose a significant challenge to anyone striving to maintain authenticity. How can you shift gracefully without losing sight of who you are as a leader?

Sarah successfully navigated the challenge by leveraging her self-awareness and fostering open communication with her team about what she was doing and why she was doing it. Ultimately, her ability to strike a balance propelled the company forward and strengthened trust and cohesion within her team.

Sarah's experience is a powerful example of how leaders can reconcile the tension between authenticity and adaptability. Leaders can navigate complex challenges by cultivating a deep understanding of their core values and strengths while staying true to their authentic selves. Transparent communication and a culture of psychological safety are essential in fostering trust and understanding within teams, enabling them to navigate the occasional deviations necessitated by situational demands. Embracing the complexity of leadership, individuals can effectively lead their teams through uncertainty while remaining true to their authentic leadership principles.

Here's more on how to manage the seeming paradox.


Recognize that self-awareness is the essential foundation.

A deep understanding of your core values, natural strengths, and those situations prone to triggering emotional reactivity is vital to managing the authenticity-adaptability tension. Armed with this self-insight, you can anticipate moments where a conflict between personal beliefs and situational demands might arise. This enables proactive self-reflection, allowing for intentional choice rather than mere reaction.

An authentic approach doesn't always equate to constant comfort. At times, the wisest course of action will temporarily require you to operate in a way that goes against the grain. The key lies in acknowledging these unavoidable moments of inauthenticity with self-compassion while crafting strategic plans to minimize the distance between who you are at your core and the necessary situational behaviors. Self-awareness is what allows you to navigate these tightropes skillfully.


Understand the nuances.

Authenticity isn't a rigid construct; it's dynamic and multi-faceted. This means vulnerability can take many forms. During a crisis, an authentic leader like Sarah might demonstrate strength by candidly soliciting team input, stating, "We face a complex situation, and while the ultimate decision rests with me, I value your insights on potential strategies." Her approach blended the directiveness appropriate for the situation with core values of collaboration and respect for her team's expertise.

Authenticity also isn't about relinquishing control; it's about operating with transparency and aligning with your true self even when external circumstances necessitate temporarily adopting an unfamiliar style. Leaders capable of mastering this balance earn the enduring trust of their teams.


Cultivate a culture of psychological safety.

When leaders embody authenticity, they cultivate a workplace culture marked by a higher degree of trust and understanding. In organizations where leaders regularly display vulnerability, transparency, and a deep commitment to shared values, the occasional style shifts required by situational leadership become easier to navigate. Team members are less likely to misinterpret a change in your leadership behaviors as a lapse in character or weakness in this context.

By fostering a psychologically safe work culture, employees perceive less risk in supporting a leader who may need to flex their leadership style due to circumstances. Having already witnessed strong, values-driven decision-making from their leader, Sarah’s team understood and trusted that her foundation of values remained operative – even during moments when her actions deviated from her usual leadership style.


Help people "make sense."

Direct communication can bridge the gap between inner discomfort and outward necessity. "While I generally champion a shared decision-making process, given the time-sensitive nature of this issue, I must take a more directive approach now to protect our long-term success. My ultimate commitment to team empowerment remains, with a return to collaboration once..." Avoiding complete opaqueness about "why" actions don't seem consistent protects valuable leader-team trust.


Embracing the Tension

Leaders like Sarah exemplify the imperative of striking a delicate balance when navigating the tension between authenticity and adaptability. Sarah's experience underscores the challenges inherent in maintaining authenticity while responding effectively to situational demands. Leaders can navigate the tension between authenticity and adaptability with grace and resilience by cultivating self-awareness, fostering transparent communication, and championing psychological safety.

As you embrace the dynamic nature of leadership, it's essential to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The 'right' mix of authenticity and adaptability depends on your temperament, your organization’s culture, and the nature of the challenges you face. By fostering a culture of trust and understanding, leaders can effectively adapt to rapidly shifting business challenges while remaining true to their authentic leadership principles.

Ultimately, cultivating authentic adaptive leadership is an ongoing process of self-discovery, growth, and learning. By embracing the complexity and continuously striving to integrate authenticity with adaptability, you inspire trust, drive innovation, and propel your organization toward enduring success.


Tips for Managing the Authenticity-Adaptability Tension

First, know yourself. Self-awareness is the foundation of your ability to manage the tension between authenticity and adaptability. So get clear on your core values and determine your 'default' leadership style and areas where adaptation is challenging. Then, recognize your triggers – the situations that push you out of your comfort zone.

Recognize that it’s going to be uncomfortable – Embrace the reality that situational leadership sometimes requires actions that will clash with your natural inclination. Discomfort isn't the same as inauthenticity. Ther

Leverage transparency as a bridge – Acknowledge the need for a style shift with your team. Openness fosters trust, even during less-than-ideal circumstances. Take care, though, not to explain away tough decisions with fluffy talk. Clarity about goals and constraints goes a long way.

Focus on long-term alignment – Every act of situational leadership should move you towards your ideals. Short-term gains achieved through unethical actions undermine trust and erode the authentic leadership model.

Take time to reground yourself – Build in reflective breaks after intense periods requiring less authentic action. Reconnecting with values and natural style strengthens you as a leader.